Join the PhD Student Commission
Myths and Truths about being a member of the PhD Student Commission of LASIGE
Myth: It requires a lot of skill and experience.
Reality: The Commission has various roles—some may involve specific skills like graphic design or leadership, but mostly, it's about your enthusiasm to contribute. Whether it's brainstorming event ideas or helping out on event days (like hanging posters or setting up tables), there's a place for everyone.
Myth: It requires a lot of working time.
Reality: It typically takes less than 2 hours a week, and often, weeks go by with no time commitment at all. Most tasks revolve around preparing for key LASIGE events, like the Welcome Day, Workshop, and Forum.
Myth: Still… It will take time away from my work, and I'm already overwhelmed.
Reality: Actually, a completely real study (not made up at all 😉) showed a 12% increase in PhD students' performance after joining the commission. Jokes aside, being part of the Commission can actually be a refreshing break that enhances productivity.
Myth: It will have no impact on my academic career.
Reality: Joining the Commission helps you develop valuable skills like teamwork, organization, and leadership. Plus, it looks great on your CV. 🌟
Myth: I’ll be assigned some tasks and left alone.
Reality: You'll have support from fellow Commission members, the LASIGE Executive Committee, and former members. It's a collaborative and supportive environment.
Myth: But you’ll make me speak in public and I’m scared about that.
Reality: Public speaking is never a requirement. Your responsibilities will depend on your role, and most do not involve speaking in front of an audience.